Τρίτη 31 Μαΐου 2016


his is really easy and fast to do...almost (cuz of archiver :)) no additional software needed...

First of all...for those who want to activate the other file as soon as the jpg image or whatever you choosed is clicked - this will not work.
(At least i haven't found a way to get it to work yet)
This is only for storing other files secretly.
For example you could easily store your password text file along with it. Who would ever think of finding it in jpg file?

So what you want to do is:
  • Create new folder anywhere and put your jpg or whatever file you have chosen and the file that you want to hide.
  • Select both files and add them both to archive (you can add also password for your archive if you want).
  • Open command prompt
  • Type in "cd LocationOfYourFolder" click enter key
  • Then type "copy /b NameOfYourjpg NameOfYourArchive NameOfNewjpgThatYouWantToCreate" and click enter key
It should have created new jpg image in the same folder if you did eveything properly.

Now that new image contains your archive.
If you open it, it will show as image.
Only way to find out that it is archive is to open your 7zip/winrar or what u have and then through it open this image and it will show you archived files.

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